Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sweetest Day With Jesus

I went up to Sleeping Bear Dunes yesterday for the whole day. I didn't go with anyone, and that was okay. My intentions changed from wanting to have a good hike/hang with someone to wanting to spend time with Jesus/have a good hike. And that's exactly what I got. 
I went up to Platte Plains Trail. It was located about 5 miles South of Empire.

Here is a map of it. I started at the campsite and headed East and followed points 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. (in that order).
The miles are located on it, and every dot represents 1/10 of a mile. I hiked about 9 trail miles and 1 road mile, so 10 all together.
Those were some of the best miles of my life. 

I've mentioned before that I struggle with inconsistency. And during my hike, this is what I questioned God on. How is it that I could want Him more than I ever have before, yet still be very inconsistent? Well... amidst the conversation, came an answer... I find my identity consciously and subconsciously in everything BUT Him. 

Every time I meet with God intentionally (over the norm), it seems as though what I don't want to hear, is exactly what I need to h
ear. Funny how God works. 

I had an amazing time. I was able to collect a good amount of leaves, see some beautiful scenery, and meet with the Living God. 

I will continue to push forward...

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