Monday, December 22, 2008

Who I am called to be.

I have been wondering lately what I am called to be, or to be doing right now, from God. Or even really if I'm being called? Well an answer came to me recently after much mauling over my life, and where I currently am, and I think a lot of times, I am frustrated with the fact that I am not doing anything. So therefore I feel as thought I'm not being called. However, just recently I have began to think that maybe I am just being called to be a friend. I don't know what exactly that means but it certainly gives me the opportunity to be Christ to people.
I was asked yesterday what my dream position in life would be and honestly, I think that position would be to simply not have to worry about debt, and build relationships. Invest in peoples lives, learn the word of God. And to be an example of Christ. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Where have I gone?

I used to be here. I used to be a part of your world, and you used to make me a part of everything. But I've been replaced. I've been replaced by dancing snowmen, pretty snowflakes, elves, candy canes, and the biggest of all you put your belief in a man who has the magic ability to bring you anything you want, if only you'll be good for the whole year. On that day when I was born, 2000 years ago, you are now excited to see what that imaginary man might bring you. You ignore the gift that I have offered you, not just once a year, but every day, and you forget what my life was. All I ask is that this year, you try to remember who I am, and not just for a day, but for the day after that, and the day after that... will you? Will you let me give you that gift, every day?