Saturday, October 11, 2008

I'm really want to change. I really want to live a life of complete integrity. 

Have you ever crashed? Not like in a sleepy way, or in a car, but in a state of being way. I have. Satan lures and lures and it becomes hard to see clearly. Sometimes its only a matter of minutes or hours, but it happens. He takes us out at our knees, a weak area. 

I met someone recently who is just in touch with God. I don't want to change to please this person, but I do want to change, because I see the joy this person experiences, and the fulfillment of living in ministry. Exactly what I want to do. I get frustrated because I'm not living in ministry, but ultimately it's my own fault. I'm choosing not to. 

In Isaiah, the king is warned that because they (the Israelites) have chosen to defile, and to worship idols, that God was going to punish them. And sure enough in Daniel, we see that they were taken captive by the Babylonians. Sure it was generations later, but it happened. I don't want to be someone who has these false idols, even in the "smallest" way but to actually treat my Savior as the one and only, taking the things that bind me and giving them to Him 110%. Why is it always so difficult to do that? 

I'm working through the book of Daniel right now in a Beth Moore Bible study, and I'm just asking God that you ROCK MY SOCKS OFF with it. 

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