Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Okay, I think we all know someone like this: The "One-Up" person/ the "I'm better than you because"... Alright, most of the time it's probably not THAT big of a deal huh? Okay what about if it's 5 days a week consistent? Welcome to something I just realized. 
It causes me a lot of frustration when I have discussion with people like that. Mainly because, if I have respect for something (the subject talked about), and I have motivations that are toward God, and they are not harmful.... DON'T JUDGE ME. 
I was writing in my journal about it on my lunch break, and it was cool to see what God had to say through that median: I don't have to give in to the enemy who could be using that person to attack a weak part of me. For instance, what I heard today is "you're stupid for thinking that or acting like that" when in reality I already have an identity in Christ, and REFUSE to believe that something I am doing which takes part in my furthering my relationship with Christ could be stupid. And I was also reminded that I should pray for this person. So... Yeah... 

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Amen. You are amazing. Don't you ever forget that. i look up to you.
I am praying for you constantly. lets chat sometime. Love you.