Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A New Beginning... again

There's one thing that's always consistent in my life: inconsistency. If you were to take the time to read back through the previous blogs that I've posted, you'll notice that one this is for sure: inconsistency. Some are long, some are short, some are deep, some are superficial. 
Well I'm going to give it a try again. I'm going to try to keep up an active profile of my life. I may share lots I may share little, but as part of the Sabbatical I am taking, I will be able to share what I'm trekking through, learning, and discovering. 
About 2 months ago, I decided that I was going to be delivered from the sin that holds me down. Being delivered is a much lengthier process than what I had anticipated. Some people are delivered immediately after confession, some however, must go through the dessert. And boy, that's a great place to be. 
If you go to Crossroads, you'll probably understand the idea of the desert. It's a place of dryness, of loneliness, and of a sense of hopelessness. However, in the Bible, God uses deserts as a place to grow people the most. And while I am here, I refuse to allow myself to become lost in the sand. 
A Sabbatical is a period of time set aside to work toward an ultimate goal. My ultimate goal is to reach full fledged inner/outward holistic integrity. 
Although times may be difficult, I will devote my time to never cease searching for what the Lord may do. I am asking him to break down walls that I thought had crumbled, and to continue to break every wall down that has no place in my life. I am on a difficult path, but wouldn't walk it if it wasn't worth it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! I am so excited for you. Taking sins out is so hard, but I know with Him you can and will do this. Keep fighting, keep in Him....Love and miss you