Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sometimes I'm Not So Good At Moving On.

Its getting closer and closer to the time to move on. Amanda, Lakeri, and I have been in this apartment for far too long. Of course we've got some great memories, but we've also got some not so great memories. And I was in my bedroom which is now mostly empty now that Katie has all of her stuff out, and I was wondering what it would be like for the first time in 6 years to have my own room again. To be able to sleep with whatever noise I want, to have it look however I want, and to not have to share. It's almost whole new concept.

On a little different note, I am excited about the new place. We have an apartment above us, but there is currently no one in it (so if you're looking for a cheap (550) place to live than this could be it) and there is a family next to us. And just houses around us. No more apartment complex. We have a yard, a garage, and a huge porch.

We will be having a house warming party sometime in the beginning of June, and all are welcome.